• 2018 March 3
  • Opening hours
  • Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO.

“Robotiada 2018” is the largest technological event for families in Lithuania. In 2017, during two days of the event, more than 10 000 visitors attended the event. In 2018, the same amount of visitors are expected during one day of the event.

During the event, technology companies, universities and other technology-based institutions participate in the Innovation exposition, where newest technologies from different domains will be displayed, from household to military technology. The event will host the largest robotics’ competition in the country, where participants will compete for prizes in six different categories,while students from all regions of Lithuania will participate in the global First Lego League competition.

This year, Robotiada aims to attract the largest robot “community” to one location – Litexpo exposition centre, in Vilnius, Lithuania. Visitors of the event will have a unique opportunity to see technology, which is usually operated by engineers or scientists, in person – humanoid, industrial, educational, entertainment robots and the companies and universities, which created them.

Workshops are one of the most popular destinations for families during the event, as these workshops are intended for children from both kindergartens and schools. During the workshops, children and their parents will learn about various technologic subjects and apply that knowledge in practice. Children, who younger than 4 years old, can enter the event free of charge (with their parents).

In 2018, the main theme of the event is Water, as a vital resource for our Planet – technology, innovation, the environment – all in this year’s Aquarium.

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