The SMART LITHUANIA 2016 project is an initiative of ‘”Verslo žinios”. The project aims to identify, evaluate and present to the public the modern changes that have been taking place in Lithuania up to the present, as well as to promote and accelerate them. At the same time, the project is intended to publicise the progress made by Lithuania in a number of fields, and to present Lithuania as a modern, progressive and smart country.
Project directions:
- Smart society
- Smart solutions
- Innovative business
- Smart science
SMART means rapid, fast, comprehensible to everyone, convenient, accessible and modern.
LITHUANIA refers to Lithuania as a whole, with its various activities, fields of life, strata, and its entire population.
Exhibition’s format – interactive event combining business–content–entertainment. The exhibition will invite visitors to try out smart products and services in real life, to discover, experience and buy.
Target visitors – city residents who are keen on technologies, follow technological trends and news, and who demand technologies right now and right here; also school children and students.
The benefits of participating at the exhibition. The exhibition is a perfect place and the right space for discovering customers’ expectations and influencing their decisions. Therefore, the exhibition offers a unique opportunity for reaching the following goals:
Direct contact with customers
Sales promotion
Useful business contacts
Relevant business matters and problems
Market analysis
Image improvement