Storyselling conference | RETURN ON STORIES ’21

Storyselling conference | RETURN ON STORIES ’21

  • 2021 June 18
  • Opening hours

    09.00 – 19.00 h.

  • Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO


The first storyselling conference will take place in Lithuania on June 18th.
At the conference, 12 professionals in their fields will share insights, advice, and, most importantly, carefully selected tools and practice-proven experiences on how to get the most return on stories for your business. Members of StorysellingLAB, a club selling stories at the conference, will share their stories, discoveries, and experiences. During the event, attendees will be able to practice telling their selling story!

The conference is intended for:

  • managers and entrepreneurs
  • sales professionals
  • experts in their fields



9:00 – 10:40

How do we make decisions and how do stories affect them? | Urtė Neniškytė

What provides the basis for powerful stories? | Domas Zdanevičius

How to tell a selling story? | Gintaras Ignatavičius

11:00 – 13:00

History Search Networks | Rytis Juozapavičius

How to stop focusing on a story title | Sandra Galdikaitė

The phenomenon of the hero’s journey in selling stories | Andrius Jarašiūnas

14:00 – 15:40

Why do people buy you and not the company? | Mindaugas Juodaitis

Mastery of public speaking in storytelling | Donaldas Duškinas

How to unlock your voice for storytelling? | Jekaterina Fiodorova

StoryStandUp for StorysellingLAB community members

16:00 – 18:00

An audience not worth telling a story | Mindaugas Daraškevičius

Storytelling and Sales Linkedin | Kotryna Kurt

How to tell a story on YouTube? | Rokas Leonavičius

18: 00 – 19: 00

Contact evening (only for VIP participants)


Contacts for questions:, +370 686 22102

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