3 International Dog Shows
- 3- 5 March 2023
Opening hours
3-4 d. 10.00
5 d. 9.00
- Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO
The Lithuanian Kennel Club gladly welcomes you to the international dog shows to be held on 3, 4 and 5 March 2023 at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre Litexpo, Halls 3, 4 and 5.
Expected number of entries amounts to 2000 participants coming from all over the world.
Show visitors are kindly invited to see a variety of dog breeds, socialise with breeders and see performances given by dog training schools, or visit a pet supplies fair.
The Education Centre to the Lithuanian Kennel Club (Hall 3) welcomes the youngest visitors to their stand for educational programme „Spring with Dogs: educational activities, crafts workshop and competitions”.
On Friday and Saturday shows start from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., on Sunday – from 9 a.m. Best In Show competition starts at 3 p.m.
Only vaccinated and identified dogs are admitted to the show area.
Tickets are available at the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre Litexpo on show days. Admission fees: 10 EUR (adult), students and seniors – 5 Eur; children under 7 – free of charge.
For more information please visit www.kinologija.lt