- 2021 May 14–16 CANCELED
- Opening hours
- Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO. Halls: 3, 4, 5.
2020 statistics: 15 000 m2 AREA
2020 statistics: >29 000 VISITORS
2020 statistics: >300 PARTICIPANTS
It is with great sadness that due to COVID-19 situation in country, continuing uncertain situation of tourism industry and complicated situation of organizing events we must postpone ADVENTUR 2021 exhibition to the next year. We hope to see you next year in ADVENTUR on January 28–30th, 2022, where we will be able to discuss the way travelling has changed, to find out new requirements, safe destinations, and the current issues of the tourism business.
We are grateful to our participants and visitors for the long-term partnership. We look forward to seeing you all next year! Protect yourself and those who are around you!