- 2022 gegužės 17 d.
Opening hours
May 17 8.00-18.00
- Lietuvos parodų ir kongresų centras LITEXPO.
Conference-exhibition “Motivated at work 2022”
MOTIVATED at WORK – an exclusive content motivational event – an exhibition and conference in one space, where theory and practice, science and business meet.
The practical one-day conference will share knowledge, market innovations and current topics of employee motivation and loyalty, communicate with service and product providers, make new contacts, and conclude business deals. At this year’s conference, we will discuss what our own and our employees ’motivations are today, what sustains us all, and what challenges and opportunities for motivation are created by today’s rapidly changing hybrid work environment.
- Practical conference for personnel specialists, managers of various levels and all employees who want to improve, presenting how to create a motivating work environment, increase employee competencies and loyalty, work in a changed hybrid environment:
- Hall 1 – Staff Conference: Presentations and discussions by Lithuanian and foreign experts.
- 1.1 conference hall – a space for personal development for the development of personal competencies.
- An exhibition where you will learn about service providers offering products and services to create a motivating environment and a comfortable workplace, attract and retain employees, to improve or create a system of personalized benefits for your organization.
- Exclusive workshops in a separate space.
- Communicate with colleagues and like-minded people over a cup of delicious coffee or tea.
Why participate:
- You will reach your target user.
- You will market your product and news.
- You will increase brand awareness.
- You will form valuable partnerships.
In the program of the annual PVPA conference (Hall 1):
- Aad JCM van Vliet, HR Practitioner, Founder and CEO of Avvartes Partners GmbH, Visiting Professor at the BMI Executive Institute, “Travel to the future; what leaders and HR need to know and to do ”
- Discussion “Motivation at work – how many do we have, what are those pills of magical motivation today and tomorrow?”. Moderated by Živilė Valeišienė, Western Union Strategic Business Partner for Global Operations and Talent Centers, discussion participants – Raimonda Alonderienė, Devbridge Director of Human and Organizational Development, ISM Professor, Lina Preikšienė, Grand Partners Education Partner, Organizational Psychologist, Mindfulness Trainer Author of the book “Motivate Simple”, Povilas Blusius, Baltic Salary Survey Remuneration and Benefit Consultant, CEO of the company (coordinated), Darius Maikštėnas, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Ignitis Group.
- Jennifer Florido, Swedbank Talent and Leadership Manager, Future proofing our workforce
- Riina Hellström, HR Innovator, one of the pioneers of the agile methodology in personnel management in the world, “Build amazing people experience – with Agile HR!”
- Rita Čepinskienė, Nasdaq Chief Human Resources Officer (Vilnius and EMEA), Reconciling Work and Family Interests
- Kęstutis Mackelis, CEO @ Stebby, “Health in the company: how do Lithuanian companies take care of their employees, and how do global companies take care of them?”
- Discussion “Creativity in life, work and kitchen”. Moderator Mantas Tvarijonavičius, co-founder of, consultant, member of the Board of PVPA, participants of the discussion – Ieva Martinaitytė, expert in innovation behavior and psychology, lecturer and researcher at the University of East Anglia, Skirmantas Mačiukas, General Director of Circle K Lithuania, Mykolas Lepeška founder, chef and consultant.
- Ieva Iacob, Grand Partners Consultant, for FAIL Culture’s organizational development and employee motivation
- Phil Rodrigo, Outokumpu Chief Vice President, Human Resources (Europe and APAC), Modern HR in Traditional Manufacturing Business
- Discussion “When work finds you. Do we know our powers? ” Moderator Solveiga Grudienė, Head of Primum Essay, Consultant, Member of PVPA Board, Discussion Participants – Justas Gavėnas, Talent House Managing Partner,
- Management Consultant, Viktorija Syčiova, Founder of the Building Bridges Platform, Žaneta Paunksnė, Photographer, Founder of Portrait Studies Žaneta Pau Photography doctor.
- Presentation of projects submitted to the PVPA Personnel Management Best Practice Competition 2022. The chairwoman of the evaluation commission Edita Znutienė will review the projects submitted to the competition and talk to the representatives of several companies about the most interesting aspects of the projects.
In the Personal Development Space Program (Conference Room 1.1), moderated by Kotryna Gotberg, Primum esse Partner, Management Consultant:
- Giedrė Plukienė, Behavioral Research and Training Consultant, Valley of Experiences, Gestalt Psychotherapy Practitioner, “Empathy Traps, or Where Motivation Disappears”
- Brigita Kaleckaitė, Head of Vilnius Gestalt Institute, Triple O Consulting Consultant and Psychotherapist, “Psychological Traumas and Their Influence on Professional Activity”
- Vitaly Majorov, Sleep Specialist, Entrepreneur, Biohacker and Geek, Energy Management and Longevity
- Indrė Kontrimienė, Triple O Consulting consultant, founder of, innovator, “Why are you going to work? The influence of meaning on the organization of the future “
- Jūratė Bortkevičienė, business psychologist, lecturer, author of the book “Responsible parenting: the way to harmonious parent-child relations”, “Challenges of personal life and work results: how to help yourself and colleagues?”
- Karolis Rimkus, Head of Social Network Marketing Agency Caption, one of the most active Lithuanians on LinkedIn, “Talk to colleagues about you in public: experiences and tips”
- Romanas Gaidukas, Grand Partner Education Partner, Expert, “Decision Making in Uncertainty”
- Rasa Baltė Balčiūnienė, founder and head of the HAI Institute, Amres Gallery and Femina Bona, “How can we not define ourselves from within and what meta-competencies are needed for this?”
- Mantas Žalkauskas, OVC Consulting associate consultant, “Teams don’t need new methods – they need human conversations”
- Laura Kozlovaitė, TMD partner consultant, leadership and organizational development expert, practitioner, “Qualities of leaders that inspire others. How to educate them? ”
- Dalia Kolmatsui, PhD in Economics, INVL Pensija Sales Manager, Personal and Family Finance Expert, “Strong Personal Finance – Knowledge, Skills or Success?”
In the program of workshops (live only!):
- 11:15 p.m. 4 Rooms Applied Theater invites to social-artistic interaction “Generation Z and Corporate Social Responsibility”
- 14:00 Creativity workshops with Sakalas Uždavinis and Mantas Tvarijonavičius.
Let’s communicate:
Project Manager
Saulė Jančiauskė
+370 615 63581