• 30-31 March 2022
  • Opening hours

    30 March 10:00 – 18:00

    31 March 10:00 – 17:00

  • Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre LITEXPO
FFP2-level respirators or medical masks must be worn at indoor events. Both the medical mask and respirator should fully cover the nose and mouth.


SCHOOL is the most important event of the year for the Lithuanian educational community. The two-day event brings together school founders and leaders, representatives of education centres and schools, administration, educational support and other professionals, business and NGO representatives, teachers, students and their parents, enabling their communication, learning and sharing of good practices.

Participants and visitors have the opportunity to discuss and evaluate the applied and proposed teaching/learning methodologies, the latest teaching/learning tools and technologies, real examples applied in schools, other relevant educational issues, and to discuss the future of the Lithuanian education system and initiate the necessary changes.

In the context of the events of the recent years, the main focus of the exhibition will be the topic of “change”. Will the changes in education ever end? Do we really ever stop learning? What will education be like in the future? You will find the answers to these and many other questions at the School exhibition.

This year’s exhibition focuses on cooperation between businesses and the educational community, with broad discussions, conference presentations and workshops. The latest innovations in the field of education will be discussed.







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