2024 04 24

MECANUMERIC will present new range CNC milling machine suitable for many fields of activities!

“After its last participation in 2019, MECANUMERIC is really proud to attend Balttechnika exhibition in Vilnius starting May 15. As CNC equipment manufacturer, we are glad to present our new range our CNC milling machine suitable for many fields of activities.

The MECAPRO NL range is efficient, versatile & adaptable for many works. With its travels from 3100 x 1600 to 4100 x 2100 mm, this milling machine range is perfect for all kinds of plate materials such as : polymers, composites, rubber, foams, paper, light alloys… Thanks to a very wide panel of options, you can create almost a custom-made machine to fit your need perfectly. The new CNC is very modern and user friendly for a very simple to use HMI. Come to meet us during the show for live demonstrations of cutting, machining and engraving with our MECAPRO NL 3116.”



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